
Buffalo slot machine payouts
Buffalo slot machine payouts

Also the “lucky chance spin” message pops up because you don’t have enough money to pay for a spin. The default meter displayed for each denomination is almost always the minimum. What you do is put in a dollar or even better a change ticket that’s less than a dollar. Method #3 is the proper way to check for plays. You may not find any advantage plays to hustle & it can be very costly to go through an entire bank of Buffalo Link slot machines. Method #2 is an attempt to work around this by putting enough money to cover all bets at all denominations & spinning each bet one time. Therefore, you’re only checking 20% of the meters. Because no money is in the machine, you cannot go through each of the betting options.

buffalo slot machine payouts

One is to simply touch each denomination available 1, 2, 5, 10 & if available 25c.

buffalo slot machine payouts

I’ve seen hustlers & semi-aware customers check for plays on Buffalo Link 1 of 3 ways. Now as far as the actual checking for plays goes, this is what will separate you from the amateurs. Upon hitting it you will be awarded either the buffalo hold & spin feature or the free games. Play until the must-hit by bonus is triggered. Accept that you’re going to get sunk for a good chunk of change & go on rough losing streaks with a fair amount of regularity. Really volatileġ200+ = Ok play but welcome to Volatility City. A little volatileġ500+ = Good play, a bit rare to find & volatileġ300+ = Decent play, expect regular ups & downs.

buffalo slot machine payouts

1600+ = As great as you can expect to find.

Buffalo slot machine payouts